I am thankful...
#12 - I am thankful for: Grandparents, mine and Claire's. Although I only have one living grandma "nana" left, I had the honor to know all of my grandparents and 3 great grandparents. My grandparents were amazing. I miss them every single day. I missed them the moment I was pronounced, husband and wife and I missed them even more July, 10th 2009 - the day I became a mom. I am so thankful Claire has 4 great, caring, loving grandparents that would do anything for her at any time! She is truly blessed to live so close to both sets. Although my grandparents didn't get to hold Claire, I always remember something I heard when I was pregnant and sad that I didn't have all my grandparents to share in this special moment. Someone said, "Do not worry or be sad that your grandparents aren't there to hold your new born baby along side you. Know in your heart that they were the first ones to hold your baby, they held your baby before you!"
I truly believe that! I know that my Grandma Jean, Grandpa Andy and Papa Lowell all got their snuggle time with Bug, they checked her over they held her in their arms until July 10th 2009 at 9:39am occurred and then they sent her to me! I know now that my grandparents are our guardian angels and let me tell you, they are probably the best guardian angels in Heaven!
#13- I am thankful for: Technology. Sometimes I wounder what life would be like with nothing, no cell phones, pagers, emails or video games. I think it would bring us back to a time when people focused on each other but today in 2011 we couldn't survive with out technology. Our government, banks and lively hood thieve on technology! Although technology annoys me a lot sometime, it's an amazing, ever change thing!
#14- I am thankful for: Cameras. I love photography, it's so much fun! I love taking pictures of Claire! I am so one of those people that believe in printing out prints! I have two photo albums filled with Claire's first 2 years of life and now in a couple months I will be making a 3rd. I feel that is important to have something physical to hold on to, to look at and cherish through out the years! I love my camera, one day (when I'm not cheap-butt) I will get all the cool pieces to go with it or a new better one all together!