That is the question...
It's a trick, unknown and mystery question that Eric and I have been finding asking each other about over the last couple of weeks. We are still in limbo on where exactly we want to move too. We have a hand full of towns we like but know very little about so our thought (and our realtors thought) is to rent for a year in a given area and if we hate it, we move on and if we love it, we stay. The only way we will rent is if we save a lot of money so we are able to bank some for our savings account. I'm planning on getting a part time job so my resume doesn't go empty for years on end and so we have a little extra money. My pay check would go for a down payment on a house. We have mixed feelings and emotions. It's a big decision, one we will be making soon. No matter what rent, rent to own or own we will make it our home. Plus it will be bigger then our starter home and that's what counts! We want more space, maybe more space in a new area. I don't know what we will find or choose but in the end, it's going to be very soon! Wish us luck!

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