Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New Crib

We have decided to get a new non-drop down side crib. We could just call and get the kit that doesn't allow your drop down side to be lowered but I am still nervous. They are removing drop down side cribs from a majority of stores and more importantly by February 2010, they will no longer be making those types of cribs. If they are made, they will not be certified safe. It really sucks we have to go spend more money on a new crib but it's something Eric and I feel is the right thing to do. There have been too many infant injuries and death from drop down side cribs and we don't want to be a part of those facts!

These are the two cribs we like from - They both have stable non-adjustable sides and both come with toddler bed guard rails!

1 comment:

  1. The crib we got - the Bergamo Americana from Babies R Us is really beautiful - and not very expensive at $250. It's also not a drop-down crib.


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