I've been actually working out over the last couple of weeks every day, yes EVERY DAY. Claire's a great napper, at least 2 hours so I use up some of the time with a quick workout. I'm not an intense workout kind of girl but I enjoy a casual cardio or kickboxing set. Eric's parents have On-Demand through Comcast and they actually have a great exercise TV On-Demand channel. They have everything from: yoga, cardio, kickboxing, 10 minute work outs (which I love), etc...I love that I can chose something different every day and still get a nice little work out in. I'm one that gets bored very easy with repetition so this cures that. Plus it's nice you don't have to fumble with the DVD and fast-forwarding. I actually really like Denise Austen. She's great. Although a little hard to handle with her voice, Eric loves to make fun of her but I always answer with, "at least she makes us sweat"! I feel like I still have a work to do but I'm very picky with my body (basically I have bad body image) but I don't want to get too ripped or lose weight because hopefully soon we will be trying for baby #2 and I know being to skinny is not good for that. I just want to be healthy and somewhat in shape!
I highly recommend checking out your On-Demand, exercise TV! If you have 10 minutes, they have a workout for you!
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