I am thankful for...
Starbucks. The warm, cozy, tasty, delicious cup of whatever I can dream of. I don't know what I would do with out Starbucks. It's a treat. I don't get it too often any more but when I do, it's a treat...a very sweet treat. I love walking in and that amazing aroma hits you. Then comes the fun part deciding what you want - Fall: I heart a non-fat pumpkin spice latte, Christmas time: either a non-fat gingerbread latte or something pepperminty, Summer time: a low-fat caramel frappuccino or iced non-fat chai latte, and for any other time of the year: is a non-fat chai latte. The options are endless. I've had so many great times at Starbucks. When Claire was very new, my friend and I would meet there with our babies and talk for hours on end. The babies would just sleep or look at each other and nurse. It was a great place to grab our favorite drink and relax. I'm glad I don't get Starbucks all that often because when I do, it makes me feel like I'm getting something special and I like that feeling. I'm thankful for special moments that include a good, tasty, delicious Starbucks beverage!
What are you thankful for?
You hit Starbucks right on the head! I LOVE the aroma of it when you walk in and I envy all those mama's with their babies sleeping in their carseats while they chat away on those comfy plump couches! I'm thankful for this wondeful fall weather we're having in Northern California and the times we are about to have with our family.