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All About Bug
- Talking up a storm!
- She can say: Momma, Dada, Papa, Nana, Night Night, Uh-oh, Puppy, Baby, Bye Bye, Hi, Brayden, Nom Nom, More, Wow, Pretty, Please
- Walking, even running everywhere.
- Eating everything - she is not a picky eater! Thank goodness!
- Is weaned and is on vitamin D milk.
- Has 7 teeth (4 on top, 3 on bottom)
- Loves to play peek-a-boo!
- Loves to feed her babies and people.
- Her imagination is really starting to show.
- She loves to play out side, especially in her sandbox.
- She loves to go for walks.
- She loves other kids.
- She loves finding the moon.
- She loves her puppies and they love her. They even let her stick her finger up their nose and poke them in the eyes!
- Bath time is one of her favorite times of the day.
- Her bedtime is around 10pm and she wakes up between 8-9am.
- She takes 1 to 2 naps a day.
- Still in size 12 month clothing.
- Size 2 shoes.
- Loves to read - she will grab a book, bring it to you, and then plop right down into your lab.
- She follows directions very well- like asking her to go get you something or asking her to sit down.
- She shrugs her shoulders and puts her arms out when she's all done or her food is all gone.
- She's still wearing cloth diapers (which we love).
- Her hair is getting longer, she is now sporting a pony tail to keep the hair out of her eyes, every day.
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