Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Once Upon A Monday

This weeks book is: If You Give a Moose a Muffin by Laura  Numeroff

This "newly classic" kid's book would be a great addition to any kid's bookshelf. It's simply about a Moose that wants a cupcake, but as soon as he asks for a one it reminds him of something else he likes or wants.The story continues in this pattern until it comes back full circle with the Moose remembering that he wants a muffin! With great illustration, this book is great to read and to look at, over and over again!

Claire (6 months) thinks that is a wonderful book. I just got it for Christmas but it's already one of my favorites. Plus, I got a really cute moose stuffed animal to go with it!

Megan and Eric think this is a great book. It's a fun collection to read. Claire has 4 books with 4 stuffed animals to match. All the books are similar but not in the sense where it gets boring to read one right after the next. We think these books are great for kids of all ages. If you haven't given them a try, please do. You will find them quite amusing!

Megan and Eric rating 4 out of 5 stars

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