Friday, February 25, 2011

A Look Back At "Blizzard 2011"

Blizzard of 2011
The start of the blizzard of 2011 - C.C. helping daddy shovel!

Love her face - the lake front snow and wind were fierce!

The awesome "wave" drift on the side of my house.

Looking down the block - white out conditions!

Penny Lane enjoying the blizzard!

Just a little snow in the backyard!

All bundled up and checking out all the snow!

The Blizzard of 2011 was about a month ago and I'm realizing how bad I am at uploading pictures to the computer. I blame it on my huge camera card, which can hold over 500 pictures. No matter the lateness, the pictures speak for the self. It was a great adventure for Chicago. As I look outside today, I actually miss the greatness of that snow fall. It was exciting to look at and it made you feel like a kid again. Today we don't even have an 1/2 inch on the ground but snow makes Claire super happy so it can snow any time it wants too. (Don't let me fool you, I'm a spring freak and can NOT wait until nice weather happens) Until then, I'm going to enjoy this winter with my one year old because next winter she will be two!

I don't know what our weekend has in store. I know their will be a bit of family time, since my sister in law and her kids are in town. I don't care what we do, I fully love my weekends when I have both of my favorite people home! Happy Friday Everyone!

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