I'm addicted to reality television!
I love it.
LOVE it.
For the longest time, I never really got into the whole "reality" t.v. shows!
But now, I can't get enough.
Real Housewives of everywhere...I watch them all!
It's like watching a train wreck...
you don't want to watch but you can't stop staring!
The drama.
The clothes.
The fakeness.
Of course I have my favorites....
Orange County
New York
Don't get me wrong, I still watch New Jersey and Altanta
but they are my least favorite.
I'm super excited because in a couple weeks...
Beverly Hills Housewives start!
I hope it's good!
I also LOVE
Bethenny Gets Married,
Bethenny Gets Married,
Flippin' Out
The Rachel Zoe Project.
This week my Flippin' Out didn't fully tape because we had rain.
I was (am) very upset!
I could watch re-run after re-run of those three shows!
Also every Wednesday night both Eric and I love -
Top Chef!
It's great and the food always looks so yummy.
It really makes me want to be more adventurous in the kitchen!
Now, there is Top Chef Just Dessert!
It kills me, my sweet tooth goes nuts when I watch.
I mean a whole show dedicated to sweets...hello, who wouldn't want to watch!?
Everyone has to have a weakness, as of now mine is reality t.v.!
Everyone has to have a weakness, as of now mine is reality t.v.!

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