Thursday, September 16, 2010

No Longer In Pain...

Three months after my aunt was told she only had a little time left, she passed away this evening in her sleep. I got a call from my dad earlier this evening saying that she had been unresponsive today. Eric and I grabbed Claire and went to see her, knowing it would probably be the last time we would get a chance too. She had been taking to hospice a week ago and the place was really nice and the people were very sweet and caring. When we saw her this evening, she was sleeping and looked very peaceful. I talked about Claire, the weather, my dad (her brother and her grandkids. Shortly after we got home, my dad called again, letting me know she passed away. Eric and I were in shock. I have faith that she passed while we were there. Eric told me he saw her take a big breath. I have faith that she had comfort in knowing her family was there, which made it easier for her to let go. Now she is in no more pain, now she is back home with God in Heaven.

Thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss but so happy you were able to spend some of her last moments with her. Sending T&P.

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am so sorry for you loss.

  3. So sorry to hear this! Sending prayers your way.


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