My daughter is now a biter.
It hurts, really bad.
Let's hope her 2 teeth become 3 or 4 teeth very soon.
She bites me every where.
When I pick her up, she bites my shoulder.
When she pulls up on me, she bites my knee.
When I am cuddling with her, she bites my arm.
When I am feeding her, she bites my nipple.
It's hurts, really bad.
She thinks it's funny.
She laughs, a belly laugh when I say the word "no!"
I pray that it is teething and not just a stage!
Finger crossed some teeth pop up in the very near future so the biting can STOP!
I pray that it is teething and not just a stage!
Finger crossed some teeth pop up in the very near future so the biting can STOP!

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