I love love LOVE Starbucks. I usually try to limited my Starbucks to twice a week (I so could go everyday). I even went when I was prego (nothing can stop a true addiction - no worries, I got decaf!) Now a days, I usually meet a girlfriend and her son at Starbucks, we sit there
Starbucks is so over priced. WHY, why does something so good cost so much!? No matter why, I will continue to go there and enjoy my favorite Starbucks drinks on a weekly bases!
I'm addicted to these Starbucks drinks (w/ soy milk - which is an extra 50 cents, wht?) -
1. Iced or Hot Chai Tea Latte (My main drink)
2. Vanilla Rooibos Latte
3. Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte
4. Skinny Vanilla Latte
5. Pumpkin Spice Latte
Well, it's Tuesday and in just 2 1/2 hours I will be pulling into Starbucks to meet my girlfriend and to enjoy one of those Starbucks drinks! Damn you Starbucks - why do you have to taste so good?!

Dude I have a PROBLEM now that I'm not pregnant anymore. When I was pregnant I'd still get SBux (decaf!) on occasion but money was tight so it was a rare treat. Now that money is better and I have a little more disposable income, my coffee addiction is in full swing once more. EVERY TIME Josh and I are out and about I have to stop at Starbucks. HAVE TO. He's getting tired of me saying "baaaaaaby, I need Starbucks" I'm sure. My favs are the White Chocolate Mocha (a rare treat since I'm pretty sure it's got about 3,000 calories in it) and the Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte!! MMMM.
ReplyDeleteEric and I will always stop at Starbucks Saturdays or Sundays when we are out and about too. It's so bad but oh, so good!! We are both addicted to it!! I try not to think too much about the money, we flush down the toilet every time we go there!