Saturday, December 12, 2009

Duggars give birth to number 19...

The Duggars from the TLC, television show: 18 Kids and Counting, had their 19th baby, 3 months early. No matter if they are on a realty television show or not, they deserve our thoughts and prayers over the next couple months. Those months might be filled with many ups and downs. I pray, that little Josie Duggar will be a strong little preemie and fight all the obstacles that may come her way.

Duggars Welcome Baby 19


Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar welcomed baby 19 earlier than expected on Thursday, December 10, at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
Michelle, who has been in the hospital recovering from a gallstone, was taken to the OR for an emergency c-section. Daughter Josie Brooklyn was born at 6:27 p.m. weighing 1lb., 6 oz.
Michelle is resting comfortably and baby is stable and in the NICU for extended care. The most important thing right now is for Mom and baby Josie to get as much rest as possible. The family is grateful for all the prayers and well wishes during their recovery.

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